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Writer's pictureJosh Cochran

The following note is from brother Chris Wilde regarding the situation in Germany as they begin rece

Dear saints,

I thought I should give you a short update on things going on in Europe as a result of the war in Ukraine. I know there are regular updates coming from LME. This is just some personal thoughts and not meant to speak for anyone else. The entire continent, as you can imagine, is completely caught up by these events and there is much anxiety, fear and anger everywhere. This is having a big impact on the atmosphere. We also feel this is another divine opportunity and that we must not be those that shrink back, but rather rise up to go on with our victorious Captain of Hosts. Surely the heavens do rule.

We are always reminded, and reminding, that our warfare is not against flesh and blood. In this case, it is easy to see that there are forces and evil powers behind the curtain. This is not the doing of one evil man. So we do not pray against him. We pray continually for God’s interests and are exercising much to become those that learn to pray within a prayer — His prayer.

The saints in Ukraine are suffering greatly, but on the otherhand, there are so many stories, even miraculous ones, of the effect of these kinds of prayers, even in the midst of battles. As they become clear and substantiated, we will try to share a few of those.

Refugees are now pouring out of Ukraine - over 1 million thus far. Most are coming into Poland and the small number of churches there and limited number of saints are pouring out to receive them and comfort them. These are almost all mothers with children and single women. All males between 18 and 60 have been conscripted and are not allowed to leave the country, but they are sending their wives and children out.

Gut Elim has opened its doors to receive as many refugees as we can. The first 45 or so arrive today. We expect many more, and probably soon, depending on the conditions in Ukraine. Those conditions are worsening by the day, so we are trying to gear up for a large number. But we do not know. He knows and is ruling over everything. We are just marveling at His wisdom and timing to give us such a property at this time.

There is much burden now among the saints in Europe that the Lord will use this tragic event for His purposes. We are preparing gospel material and sending teams to the borders much as we did 6 years ago for the Syrian Iranian Afghani and Iraqi refugees. Please pray for this. We are desperately preparing ministry materials in Ukrainian as the ones fleeing Ukraine want nothing to do with the Russian language any more. Please pray for this. These materials will be made freely available in digital format. A good number of basic books are almost ready.

We covet your prayers and welcome your support for the suffering refugees, but the Lord is providing. May He gain all He desires and may He come quickly. Come Lord Jesus!

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