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Church in Edmond



1) The shining of the light of life within us causes us to have a sense within.

Since the light of life is the Lord’s life shining in us, this shining will definitely produce a sense of life within, so that we may sense what is of the Lord and what is pleasing to Him.

2) The manifestation of the function of the laws inscribed on our hearts by God and the law of the Spirit of life also enables us to have a sense within.

Since both the laws written on our hearts by God and the law of the Spirit of life within us are an innate function of the Lord’s life in us, whenever this function is manifested, we will have a feeling. This feeling is the sense of life, which we can perceive through the function of the law of life.

3) God’s operating in us also causes us to have a sense within.

Since God’s operating in us is an activity, it will produce a feeling within. This feeling is the sense of life in us, which causes us to sense what God desires us to will and to do.

4) Christ’s living in us also causes us to have a sense within.

Christ’s living in us is full of doings, definitely causing us to have a sense within. Since this sense is out of the activities of Christ’s life within, it is surely of life. Therefore, it also is the sense of life.

5) The anointing in us also causes us to have a sense within.

The Holy Spirit anoints us as the ointment within us. His moving also causes us to have the sense of life in our spirit. Hence, after we are saved, we have not only life but also the sense of life within that we may know inwardly the mind of God and the things pertaining to God.


A. Walking Only according to Spirit, Setting the Mind on the Spirit

1) “Walk...according to spirit;...the mind set on the spirit” (Rom. 8:4-6).

The sense of life in us is from the Spirit and is also in our spirit. Thus, our first responsibility toward the sense of life is to walk only according to spirit, setting our mind on the spirit. That is, we should obey the spirit and mind the spirit in everything.

B. Caring for the Inner Sense of Life

1) “The mind set on the spirit is life and peace” (Rom. 8:6).

When we set our mind on the spirit, we have life and peace within. Both life and peace are the sense of life within, which can be perceived by us. Hence, we need to care for the sense of life and peace within.

C. Obeying with Fear and Trembling

1) “Even as you have always out your own salvation with fear and trembling” (Phil. 2:12).

We must obey with fear and trembling the operation of God which we sense within, whether this operation is for the willing or the working. Fear is our inward motive, and trembling is our outward attitude. We should obey in this way the sense of life within us.

D. Abiding in the Lord

According to the Teaching of the Anointing

1) “As His anointing...has taught you, abide in Him [the Lord]” (1 John 2:27).

The anointing in us teaches us to know the Lord and the things pertaining to the Lord. We should abide in the Lord to have fellowship with Him according to this teaching.


A. Enjoying Life and Peace

1) “The mind set on the spirit is life and peace” (Rom. 8:6).

By setting our mind on the spirit, we have the sense of life. If we obey this sense of life, we will enjoy life and peace. Life is satisfaction, and peace is rest. The enjoyment of the satisfaction of life and the rest of peace is an immediate issue of our obeying the sense of life.

B. Abiding in the Lord

1) “As His anointing...has taught you, abide in Him [the Lord]” (1 John 2:27).

The teaching of the anointing gives us the sense of life within. By obeying this sense of life, we can abide in the Lord. This also is an issue of obeying the sense of life.

C. Working Out Our Salvation

1) “You...obeyed, out your own salvation with fear and trembling” (Phil. 2:12).

We have obtained salvation, but after obtaining salvation, we still need to live out this salvation, as this verse says, “Work out your own salvation.” When we obey with fear and trembling the sense of life that comes from God’s moving within us, we live out the salvation that we have obtained. This also is an issue of our obeying the sense of life.

D. Fulfilling God’s Good Pleasure

1) “You...obeyed...God who operates in you both the willing and the working for His good pleasure” (Phil. 2:12-13).

The fulfilling of God’s good pleasure is another issue of our obeying the sense of life from the operation of God in us.

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