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Writer's pictureJosh Cochran



Most of the problems experienced by Christians are related to the matter of fellowship. It is very crucial that all the saved ones learn this lesson.

Now let us look at some practical ways to fellowship with the Lord. According to our experience, these practical ways are mainly prayer and the reading of the Bible. We have covered these two topics in the previous lessons. Here we will only point them out in a brief way, including the steps of fellowship.


The purpose of prayer is to contact God and fellowship with God, not mainly to ask for things. There are a few key points to prayer:

(1) Speak the truth from the heart

When you come before God, you should first calm down your thoughts. Then you should pray according to the inward sense. Do not compose, and do not worry if you are saying the right thing or not. Just come as a child comes to his parents, saying whatever you feel in your heart. Let every word you utter be out of sincerity.

(2) Do not pray from memory

While you are fellowshipping with the Lord, do not try to recall all the things that you should pray for while neglecting to contact God. Do not be so entangled with petty affairs that you lose God’s presence.

(3) Under the enlightenment, confess your sins, relying on the blood

In your prayer, if you feel that you have sinned, you should confess your sins thoroughly one by one, relying on the blood of Jesus, and ask God for forgiveness.

(4) Praise and give thanks

After you have confessed your sins thoroughly, often you will want to express praise and thanksgiving to the Lord. You should do this uninhibitedly.


When you read the Bible for fellowship, you must remember a few things:

(1) Do not read for the sake of studying

When reading the Word, avoid merely studying to gain knowledge. You should turn to God in a simple and spontaneous way.

(2) Seek after the Lord with a single heart

Our Lord is in His Word; He Himself even is the Word. When you read the Word you should come to contact this living person.

(3) Sense the nourishment and supply in the Word

When you use your spirit to read the Word and to maintain your contact with the Lord, you will have the sense of enlightenment and satisfaction within.

(4) Turn the feelings you receive in the spirit into prayer

In this kind of reading for fellowship, often you will touch the feelings of God. If you turn all these feelings into prayers to God, this will be the best fellowship you have with Him.

In addition to the above, there are a few more practical points which you should take care of:


(1) At every time

A Christian cannot be separated from God at any time. Whether in the morning or in the evening, he should exercise to have fellowship with the Lord.

(2) Set aside a definite time

On the one hand, we need to live in the fellowship all the time. On the other hand, we need to set aside a definite time to fellowship with the Lord. The best time is in the early morning. It is also very good if we can spend some more time in the evening, or at any other time. This will help our life of fellowship tremendously.


(1) In every place

Whether at home, in the meeting hall, at school, in the office, on the road, in the car, or in any place, we can have fellowship with the Lord.

(2) Select a place

Although we can fellowship with the Lord anywhere, many times we need to find a quiet place for fellowship in order to avoid interruption and to enter in more single mindedly and deeply. This is also very important.

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